Terminų žodynėlis

Ectopic pregnancy - abnormal pregnancy, where the embryo implants itself outside the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening and must be treated by a doctor right away. An ectopic pregnancy may be treated with medication or via surgery.

Egg retrieval - during IVF treatment retrieval refers to the removal of the oocytes from the ovaries. The woman is put under light sedation, while the oocytes are typically retrieved via a ultrasound-guided needle. The needle goes through the back wall of the vagina where the oocytes are gently sucked in through the needle.

Embryo. - an embryo is a fertilized egg within the first eight weeks of conception.

Endometrioma - special kind of cyst that is filled with old blood and appears on the ovary. These cysts may cause pelvic pain, block the egg and sperm from meeting, or interfere with ovulation and are caused by endometriosis.

Endometriosis - a condition where endometrial tissue (cells that normally grow only inside the uterus) grow in abnormal ways and in the wrong places. The abnormal growth may extend to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other nearby organs in the pelvic area, causing scaring and bleeding. Endometriosis may cause pelvic pain, especially during periods, and infertility.

Endometrium - the endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus. If conception takes place, the embryo implants into the endometrium. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium sheds itself in a process commonly known a menstruation. Each month, the endometrium renews itself, preparing for the potential pregnancy, and then sheds if conception doesn't happen.

Estradiol - of the group of hormones that are called estrogens, estradiol is the most abundant. Sometimes abbreviated as E2, estradiol is the hormone most commonly measured during fertility testing.

Estrogen - is a hormone secreted primarily by the ovaries. While we often refer to estrogen as a hormone alone, estrogens are actually a group of similar hormones - estrone, estradiol and estriol. Estrogen affects the body in many ways, but its main duty in the female reproductive system is to signal to the lining of the uterus to grow. Estrogen is also responsible for the increase in fertile cervical mucus and increased sexual desire that comes just before ovulation.

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